Under Construction
This will soon be the place to find Camino Verde’s Tree & Plant Database and other resources.
In the meantime, enjoy Camino Verde’s one-of-a-kind Blog and our Publications here below…
Publications with participation by Camino Verde’s team and relevant to our programs
The Amazonian Pharmacy of Don Ignacio Duri
Robin Van Loon, Camila Villalobos Contreras. Illustrated by Blair Butterfield and Maisie McNeice.
Composition and variability of moena alcanfor (Endlicheria krukovii (A.C.Sm.) Kosterm.) essential oil, in American Journal of Essential Oils and Natural Products 2021; 9(3): 27-36.
Alexis St-Gelais, Robin Van Loon and Guy Collin.
Barriers to Adopting a Diversity of NUS Fruit Trees in Latin American Food Systems, Chapter 7 in Orphan crops for sustainable food and nutrition security: Promoting neglected and underutilized species, Routledge.
Van Loon, R., Lagneaux, E., Chiriboga-Arroyo, F., Evert, T., Wiederkehr Guerra, G., Gamarra, B., van Zonneveld, M., Kettle, C.J.
Stories of Regeneration: A New Breed of Sustainable Entrepreneurs. Centre for Entrepreneurship, University of Liverpool.
Pablo Muñoz, Carola Hargreaves.
Survival and early growth of 51 tropical tree species in areas degraded by artisanal gold mining in the Peruvian Amazon, in Ecological Engineering.
Francisco Román-Dañobeytia, France Cabanillas, David Lefebvre, Jhon Farfan, Jesús Alferez, Fredy Polo-Villanueva, Juana Llacsahuanga, Claudia M. Vega, Manuel Velasquez, Ronald Corvera, Edith Condori, Cesar Ascorra, Luis E. Fernandez, Miles R. Silman.
Historias de Regeneración: Una nueva frontera para el emprendimiento sustentable. Centre for Entrepreneurship, University of Liverpool.
Pablo Muñoz, Carola Hargreaves.
Don Ignacio Duri Palomeque: Relatos de un Chamán de la Amazonía Peruana. Colmena Editores.
Camila Villalobos Contreras, Robin Van Loon.
Chacras Amazónicas: Guía para el manejo ecológico de cultivos, plagas y enfermedades. Proyecto Araucaria XXI Nauta.
José Carlos García Morales, Manolo Martín Brañas.
Banner photo of Melipona eburnea thanks to Taylor Kennedy, taken at CV Baltimori
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