Species scientific name in bold and italics

Botanical family

 Common names: [“Other known names”]

Native to: [“Origin” labels]

Kind: [“Plant or tree” labels]

Registered as: “Type of Registry” labels

[“Products and uses” labels, in alphabetical order]

[Explanatory note: The gallery to the left sources its images from the AirTable images fields for this species. I’m thinking the idea is to have all the images for the species loaded into this gallery, from the multitude of image fields in the AirTable. Then down below there will be the specialized photo fields…

Species Profile

right here is the Species Profile text

Fun Facts

And there are your Fun Facts

Photos by Category


[Functionality Notes

Here is where we have links to images of:
Tree, Flower, Fruit, Seed, Leaf, Sprout/Seedling, Bark, Root, Products, Illustration/Specimen

The idea is that we automatically only have the categories appear for which we have photos for that species. So if there’s no photo for “Image of Leaf” for a tree, that category doesn’t appear.

Automatically, the thumbnail images serving as links below will be sourced from the images from each of the corresponding fields/categories.

For the rare tree that has images in all the categories, that’s 10 categories of images. (Perhaps we could make a little schematic for each of the different numbers of categories, how the thumbnail image links below are configured.)]

Sponsor a Tree

Donate to trigger the planting of one of these beauties. Our tree rates include not only the cost of planting the tree, but also of growing it, keeping it alive to adulthood. You’ll receive a location and a badge so you can proudly display that you planted a tree today.

See map below for location of the trees of this species that Camino Verde has already planted. Donate now to add one more to the map!


This stuff below is experimental… thinking about different ways to visualize the links to photos by category: tree, flower, fruit, leaf, seed, etc. etc.